We Survived Friday 13th in Dublin!
October 14, 2017The Grande Finale in Dublin, Tallinn Next!
October 19, 2017After 4 days of our live Twitch TV table sessions here in Dublin at the Village Green Card Club, Ireland’s Kevin Malone is still having a firm grip of our TV table trophy. With his win of €1100 or 550 big blinds at the live €1/€2 Omaha feature table on day 2, he is making sure that that the trophy stays on the Emerald Isle. Although yesterday, one of the players came pretty close to beating Malone’s results. Namely, Emmett Hegarty, at our later live €2/€5 Omaha feature table, made decent €2000, winning 400 big blinds. Today, we will see if there is anybody out there who could beat Malone. The proud winner of the trophy will be announced tonight after the last TV table session. Then the trophy and our Tallinn hospitality package will be handed over to him or her with a little ceremony. So, good luck, boys and girls!

Kevin Malone
On another note, our Saturday in Dublin started nice and sunny but, of course, windy. The team was heading out for breakfast at noon, choosing to dine and enjoy some football in a pub near our hotel. At around 1 PM came in the news about one table still running in the card room from the previous night. 24/7 poker, indeed!
On this windy, yet lovely Sunday, we would like to give special thanks to our Partner Betsafe who made sure that we would not forget Dublin stop so easily. Namely, with the helping hand of Betsafe, we could experience true greyhound racing last night. It was a fun and exciting evening in a good company and free drinks.

Shelbourne Park Greyhound Stadium
Yesterday, we had yet another special guest arriving at the CGF. Our very own CGF package winner, the London-based Scottish man Ken James, walked into the card club and was amazed by the venue and the warm welcome by our team. Dealing with finances daily, he is a recreational poker player who prefers live cash games only. For him, the social aspect of poker is the most important thing. He likes having good time when playing. He feels strongly that the CGF can offer him just that. He is already considering coming to our Tallinn stop on November 15-19 with his wife, so that he can have fun poker experience while his wife is enjoying Tallinn via sightseeing and shopping. Ken would also like to see the CGF stopping in Scotland. We can’t promise 100% but we will do everything we can to determine if, say Edinburgh, is a good venue for us.
Moreover, Ken was telling us a pretty funny story of how he ended up at our London festival in Aspers Casino in September. Stay tuned to our social media channels for the full interview with him.
Don’t forget that today at 10 PM, we will draw winners of our Tallinn stop VIP packages. The lucky winner has to be present in the card club at the time of the draw to be able to receive his or her prize. Fingers crossed! Be there, because you do not want to miss your chance of winning.
Today, there is time for a guided tour to Wicklow Mountains. Namely, the primary purpose of the super gorgeous Wicklow Mountains National Park is the conservation of biodiversity and landscape. At the same time, the park is also an invaluable recreational space for locals and visitors alike. About one million visits are made each year. Impressive!
Let’s make Sunday fun here in Ireland!
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