Rocher de Gibraltar – La planète des singes, Jour 5 à Gibraltar
May 24, 2017Next Stop Malta June 14th 18th – the Cash Game Festival’s Grand Return
May 29, 2017On Sunday, day 5 in Gibraltar, the players who had survived the previous night’s VIP party, gathered at 2 PM, in order to go for a guided tour of the Rock of Gibraltar. The days was lovely, not too hot, and with slightly scattered skies. The steep cable cart ride took people to the top of the Rock to visit the famous monkey population – Barbary macaque population which is the only wild monkey population on the European continent. As proven by the Cash Game Festival day 5 photos, everybody, including the monkeys, had good time.
Also, there is something fun about having to get up quite early, after a long party and poker night, in order to get on a rock to see wild monkeys that might climb all over your sleepy party- and poker-ridden frame. The fact, that you got up and went to see an exciting landmark, despite feeling very tired – that creates good memories and connects you to people in a fun and relaxed way.
The first £1/£2 no-limit hold’em Twitch TV table stream kicked off at 6 PM Gibraltar time with Brandon Allen, still impressed by the monkeys he had met earlier, back in the booth. Since Cash Game Festival organizer are passionate poker players themselves, it is no wonder that once in a while, some of them pops up at the TV table. This time, it was Cash Game Festival Project Manager Andro Loos, who wanted a piece of the live action. Very hard at work during festivals, keeping everything in check around the clock, he welcomes a chance to get to play. You can watch the full episode here if interested in getting to know Andro’s style a bit better. One of these days, you will be sitting down at the table with him. Be prepared.

Andro Loos
Knut Rysstad, a Gibraltar-based Norwegian poker player, tied the record of being the biggest TV table winner for three times in one festival. It did not go so well for him at the later TV table where John Garratt took his chance to beat the record by making the highest profit him-self.

Knut Rysstad
However, Knut, a first-timer at the Cash Game Festival, is now very interested in our Malta stop in June, and told us that he is very likely to attend. He may well attempt to beat the record again. Let’s hope that. Always a pleasure to play with him as well. The guy knows how to have a good time at cash game tables. His recent comment was that this (edit: Cash Game Festival) had been the most fun he has had in quite a long time.
On Sunday evening, the action picked up again. More players came to join the tables. Including Hasan Alexander Anter, the winner of WSOP gold bracelet from 2011. He had played at our Twitch TV table earlier this week. On Sunday night, he shared the table with Peter Mareš, the CTO of Games Innovation Labs at Playtech. Peter told us that he chose to play soft that night, choosing £1/£2 hold’em. Him coming to Malta stop is quite likely at this point since he loves cash games. He may even come to our Dublin stop later this years. From Malta, he is expecting good games and fun social activities. He felt quite sorry for missing Saturday’s VIP party.
So, Gibraltar done, our sight is set on our next stop in Malta on 14th-18th June, hosted by Casino Malta. It is our second time in Malta, so we are expecting to see a lot of familiar faces. We are also hoping to cause a stir in Maltese poker groups, in order to get as many players to the location. We all know that many players mean more games and more options.

Also, in order for you to be better prepared for the next event, we filmed a Sviten Special tutorial while in Gibraltar. The tutorial is hosted by the Sviten master himself, Peter La Terra, and aims to aid you to become a better player in order to pull these legendary all-nighters with Sviten fans.
We would like to equally thank all our Partners for the festival:
Betsson, Betsafe, Guts, NordicBet, Bet10, SlotsMillion, (Formelry Triobet),, Casino Sunborn. We would also like to thank our media partners Pokernews,, Pokerisivut, Pokeritieto and
Cash Game Festival Team
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