Day 2 at the Cash Game Festival in Sunny Beach, Bulgaria started as sunny and hot as ever. There is a good reason this place is called “Sunny Beach”. It is sunny all the time during summer months. The perfect climate for relaxing and swimming all day, except when it is time to play poker. Then you should get your nicest shirt on and head to the Platinum Casino because the Cash Game Festival is waiting for you.
The casino’s atmosphere is pleasant with nice lighting and very friendly staff. Moreover, in this hot weather, the casino is very generous in keeping us all hydrated – barrels of cooled bottled water can be found all around the casino. Just open the lid and take as much water as you want. This is a good solution as it also saves time for the super nice waitresses who then have more time to deliver other very important orders such as serious drinks and food.
Moreover, since good nutrition is very important, we would like to point out that the buffet dinners right in the casino area are cheap, generous and healthy (Well, if you only choose the healthy stuff…). Bulgaria has not let us down. Instead, she is keeping us all comfortable.
Seems that some players got tired of Sunny Beach sun because we had some early action at the casino. Namely, around 4 PM, we already had two cash tables running, and some local players came to ask if they could register for Cash Game Festival TV table. The news of us being “in town” is spreading and people take notice of the festival crowd.
The early afternoon Bulgarian wine tasting left the players with a bottle of wine and maybe just a little tipsy. According to Betsson’s Poker Manager Marika Nowak, the trip to the winery was amazing and she enjoyed every minute of it.
Our first Twitch TV table of the day was 1 / 2 hold’em, featuring Azat Zalyaev in seat #7 who qualified to the Cash Game Festival via Betsson. He is from Russia, choosing to play poker online only. So, the Cash Game Festival was his first live poker event and he seemed to enjoy it thoroughly. In seat #2 was Mateusz Slusarczyk who previously qualified to CGF Tallinn stop via iPoker. He loved his first Cash Game Festival experience so much that he decided to come to Bulgaria stop all by him-self. Talk about the infectious atmosphere at Cash Game Festival – it is definitely there. We feel it every day at our live events. Our “regulars” always find time to come and have a chat with the team (… or maybe even play with them). If some of them can’t make it to a particular stop, he or she she is greatly missed. They usually let the team know in advance if they are coming or not. And when on the way, they are sharing photos of airports a la “On my way to the Cash Game Festival!” And then everybody in the team gets very excited.
The second Twitch TV table was 2 / 5 hold’em. Vytautas Milbutas in seat #5 is a poker player from Lithuania who qualified to the Cash Game Festival via Betsafe. He is also the ambassador of Betsafe Lithuania. In last 2 years, he has been participating in more than 200 tournaments. He is mainly playing tournaments in Merit Poker room in Cyprus. He was happy to play at the second TV table of day 2, cash games not being a part of his usual routine. By the way, Vytautas’ favourite poker hand happens to be Queen-Nine Hearts – a girl in red and his favourite number. What combination could be better, he exclaimed.
Since Conor McGregor joined Team Betsafe, it is only right that we asked Vytautas to pose for a proper photo in order to give his and the Cash Game Festival’s congrats to Conor and Betsafe. Conor is a legend that has held not one, but two weight titles in the UFC simultaneously, a feat that is unlikely to be repeated any time soon. He is thought of by many as the greatest UFC star of all-time, and arguably one of the greatest fighters in the world.

Vytautas from Team Betsafe
Later that evening, the poker action got really heated in Platinum. The poker room was almost full as new tables opened. By 9 PM, nine cash game poker tables were running. Amazing results, again, for such an early evening. At 10:30 PM, there were already eleven full cash tables running, one them being a Sviten Special table. Finally! Comes to show that when the Swedish player Peter La Terra, a regular at the Cash Game Festival, is in the house then Sviten Special in ON. Put Peter and Franke, the founder of the Cash Game Festival, together at a table and the action gets heated – serious games with a lot of jokes and loud laughter. And then, Peter usually wins the biggest pot.
At exactly 1:26 AM already, we basically had a full house and the players continued till the early hours of day 3. 12 full tables done. Expecting more today! We’ll move some furniture if we have to.
For the social side activity today, on day 3, players get to compete in go-kart rally. In addition, he evening will see the players and our Partners having nice dinner outside the casino.
What a great time we are having here!
Cash Game Festival Team
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